Saturday, July 17, 2010

July 17, Dublin

I could feel it instantly as our bus rounded the corner to follow the dark river. I don’t mean to sound dramatic or give the impression that I didn’t enjoy Galway, because I did. But it feels like Dublin has lifted a cloud of sorts. A different energy pumps through these streets. It feels like a tiny flame has been lit underneath me, fueling my curiosity and creativity. It may just be the excitement of a new city—of our last city—but I know that this was a feeling I had to coax out in Galway. I want these two weeks to be the longest yet.

The brown river is lined with lime green algae and the sky opens to a bright blue at about 2pm every afternoon. It may be because this is the fourth week we’ve been learning to explore Irish cities, but I’m starting to feel this may be the first time I can see myself living independently in a place other than Virginia and feel confident that I will be okay. Maybe it would be different if I didn’t have such encouraging and supportive (and fun) friends on the trip with me, but the feeling is here, regardless. And I think I’ll hold onto it for now.

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